Learn how to create a positive culture

Networks of Support

“Culture within schools, state agencies and communities happen regardless. Deliberately creating a supportive culture positively influences staff engagement and connectedness to each other and the clients we serve.  Be intentional about the culture you create!” ~ Tim

The “Networks of Support” training, by Tim McGowan Consulting, is an intentionally designed, sequential approach to develop a workshop and implementation plan that specifically meets the needs of your organization.  Based on current research and best practices, Networks of Support will create organizational transitions that engage and support staff while serving clients at the highest level. 

Tim McGowan Consulting’s workshops for government agencies, companies and school personnel are designed specifically to address and bridge the cultural differences between client and worker. Tim facilitates honest conversations, hands-on exercises, a shift in mind-sets and practical techniques. Tim’s honest and fun approach to the worker’s day-to-day challenges is refreshing with sustainable results. Through-out the workshop, workers will receive invaluable insight and specific strategies for improving outcomes through a broad overview of concepts.

Tim’s workshop will provide hands-on learning, inspiring ideas, & practical approach attendees can use the next day.  Tim’s focus of work is building a connected and supportive workforce, helping organizations make positive transitions, building mentorships teams and suicide and drop-out prevention programs. 

  • Experience personal and professional, dynamic facilitation modeling the approach on how to be a “bridge” and find your “bridges”
  • Learn the impact of stress and trauma on our clients and understand the concepts and practices of Trauma-Skilled staff
  • Have the opportunity to build and strengthen professional relationships and social networks
  • Understand the value of building supportive social networks to promote protective factors and positively influence work culture
  • Reflect on current research that supports best practice implementation

Tim is passionate about intentionally creating communities that are engaging, relevant, and connected.  Tim enthusiastically engages professionals in interactive learning experiences that are personally and professionally fulfilling. His workshops are supported by research and intentionally designed that are spontaneously relevant and remarkably engaging. 

Tim, a former teacher and school counselor, is the founder of the Networks of Support training approach, and is a trainer for a research project with the University of Rochester, New York “Peer-led Suicide Prevention: Promoting Healthy Family Role Transitions for Military Personnel”” and “developing Trauma-Skilled Staff and Schools” for the National Dropout Prevention Center.   Tim is a Nationally Certified Prevention Trainer and has spent hundreds of hours leading Experiential Education workshops for students and adults.

His vast experience and background with education, poverty and cultural differences has made Tim a sought-after speaker for many agencies and school districts. 

Workshops for School and State Agency Staff



Peer Leaders


The foundation of the Networks of Support approach is Peer Leaders. It is important to have student voices drive programming.


News Releases


The best part about being a mentor

What have you learned in the program?

Student Testimonials

Developing Bridges

Social Network Health

Photo Gallery

Success comes by having a diverse group of leaders.
Train them, Trust Them, and Get Out of the Way!
